Running Windows on FreeBSD using Bhyve

Yes, it’s possible since beginning of October if you run FreeBSD 11-CURRENT. I have waited for quite a while for this. This means no more need for KVM or XEN or what have you. Bhyve does it all. It’s a bit rough around the edges. Biggest issue (at least for me) is the lack of…

NFS exports with ZFS

If you have a ZFS based storage server and other machines in the network, it would be a shame not to share the awesome storage with them. I have 2 servers at home. frisbie is the ZFS storage machine and yotta is just a powerful machine but with only one disk, so I’d like to…

Playing with PF on FreeBSD

I have been meaning to try out both IPFW and PF. After reading bsdnow pf tutorial and skimming over nice FreeBSD handbook’s pf section I was a bit hesitant to try PF on FreeBSD as it was said to have slightly older version from OpenBSD and that would cause syntax to differ. So I tried…