Raspberry Pi, Home Assistant and perf-tools

I’ve been using Home Assistant for a while now. It is not ideal, but it does work and you can pretty much make it do anything you need for your home automation.

My HA runs on a Raspberry Pi4, and I use a CC2531 ZigBee USB dongle to communicate with the Ikea and Philips lights, switches and motion sensors. It all works well. But the one downside of Raspberry Pi is the super slow micro SD card that it uses for storage.

A while ago I noticed that my setup was running slower than usual and the system graphs showed increase in IO wait.

This was interesting, as I have not done any changes, and while indeed the micro SD storage is slow, why would it suddenly become slower?

The Raspberry does some other things besides running HA, so there were multiple possibilities.
The system metrics were only telling me that there is IO wait, but who and why is responsible for it, was not quite clear.
There were no other obviously noticeable changes.

Thankfully there are the excellent Brendan Gregg’s perf-tools and I was eager to see how they will work on my RPi.

To my disappointment, some of the scripts work, some don’t, because the default Raspbian kernel is compiled without CONFIG_FTRACE_SYSCALLS enabled.

First order of business was to build a new kernel. Thankfully the official documentation covers the RPi nuances and building it is straight forward.

Once I had the kernel with all ftrace awesomeness, I could do a bit of investigation.

Here’s the thinking.
Something is doing IO and generating IO wait. So it is probably either disk or ethernet. Since I have a slow micro SD storage, probably that is the culprit.

I want to know which process is responsible and what it is doing.

First, finding which process is doing the IO.
I used iosnoop for this and sorted by latency

sudo ./iosnoop -Q 60 | sort -g -r -k 7 | head

This gave me:

fx@lighthouse:~/perf-tools $ sudo ./iosnoop -Q 60 | sort -g -r -k 7 | head
hass         787    WS   179,0    20517872     4096     866.34
hass         787    WS   179,0    20514936     4096     830.58
hass         787    WS   179,0    20513552     4096     792.33
hass         787    WS   179,0    11370728     4096     754.18
hass         787    WS   179,0    22593888     4096     748.53
hass         787    WS   179,0    20534240     4096     718.24
hass         787    WS   179,0    10494416     4096     717.63
hass         787    WS   179,0    20534240     4096     697.45
hass         787    WS   179,0    10028824     4096     679.86
hass         787    WS   179,0    20534048     4096     668.75

So, OK, it is clear it is the HA loading my little RPi, but why and how come it did not do that before? What changed?

Now, my HA process was 528, so I ran opensnoop to find out what files it is manipulating and how slow it is.
One nuance, opensnoop wants to use mawk with arguments that did not work on my raspbian, so I replaced it with gawk, which works great.

sudo ./opensnoop  -p 528 -d 60

It gave me

fx@lighthouse:~/perf-tools $ sudo ./opensnoop  -p 528 -d 60
Tracing open()s issued by PID 528 for 60 seconds (buffered)...
COMM             PID      FD FILE
hass             787    0x12 /home/ha/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db
hass             787    0x17 /home/ha/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db-wal
hass             787    0x18 /home/ha/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db-shm
hass             787    0x19 /home/ha/.homeassistant

Ending tracing...

SQLite database is the culprit. What’s inside of it?

I looked at what tables it has and did a simple count to see which are the biggest.

sqlite> .tables
events          recorder_runs   schema_changes  states
sqlite> select count (*) from events;
sqlite> select count (*) from states;
sqlite> select count (*) from recorder_runs;
sqlite> select count (*) from schema_changes;

OK, so there you have it, states and events tables have grown rather big and this being and micro SD card, performance is what it is. The whole database file was ~ 500mb.

I stopped HA, cleaned the tables by deleting oldest events and ran vacuum,

Afterwards performance was back to normal.

Guess this is what I get for not reading the fine manual on history for Home Assistant

Cleanup commands I used from events table:

delete from events where created < '2020-02-20 03:04:53.662688';
delete from states where last_updated  < '2020-02-20 03:04:53.662688';

Perf-tools also comes to help with understanding the performance before and after.
Before cleaning the database:

fx@lighthouse:~/perf-tools $ sudo ./iolatency -Q 60
Tracing block I/O. Output every 60 seconds. Ctrl-C to end.

  >=(ms) .. <(ms)   : I/O      |Distribution                          |
       0 -> 1       : 0        |                                      |
       1 -> 2       : 19       |######                                |
       2 -> 4       : 36       |###########                           |
       4 -> 8       : 4        |##                                    |
       8 -> 16      : 7        |##                                    |
      16 -> 32      : 10       |###                                   |
      32 -> 64      : 133      |######################################|
      64 -> 128     : 84       |########################              |
     128 -> 256     : 65       |###################                   |
     256 -> 512     : 108      |###############################       |
     512 -> 1024    : 65       |###################                   |
    1024 -> 2048    : 4        |##                                    |

And after:

fx@lighthouse:~/perf-tools $ sudo ./iolatency -Q 60
Tracing block I/O. Output every 60 seconds. Ctrl-C to end.

  >=(ms) .. <(ms)   : I/O      |Distribution                          |
       0 -> 1       : 0        |                                      |
       1 -> 2       : 269      |#########################             |
       2 -> 4       : 410      |######################################|
       4 -> 8       : 305      |#############################         |
       8 -> 16      : 341      |################################      |
      16 -> 32      : 241      |#######################               |
      32 -> 64      : 396      |##################################### |
      64 -> 128     : 80       |########                              |
     128 -> 256     : 27       |###                                   |
     256 -> 512     : 15       |##                                    |
     512 -> 1024    : 12       |##                                    |

And now, it is also time to read the fine manual on how to properly configure history retention.